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    Hopvalley – Stats

    +65% Organic search traffic (2019-2020) +115% Facebook likes (2019-2020) +198% Website traffic (2019-2020) +298% Digital impressions (2019-2020) +315% Instagram followers (2019-2020)

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    Hopvalley – Footprint

    Expanded physical footprint includes branded Tasting Rooms in select locations and Hop Boxes at professional sports venues

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    Hopvalley – Distribution

    Since 2011, distribution has grown beyond Oregon to include Washington, California, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii, Colorado, Montana and Idaho When it comes to Oregon-brewed beers, Hop Valley ranks #2 in nationwide sales.

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    Hopvalley – Barrels

    From brewing 5,000 barrels a year in 2011, Hop Valley now brews more than 100,000/year